Insert, mobile phone

compatible to active vehicle
not compatible to active vehicle
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for active vehicle required
active vehicle required

BMW Motorrad

Use Cell Phone

Item No.: 10006908

Manufacturer No.: 77318527378

The safe storage for your cell phone and other small parts. In conjunction with the USB charger, cell phones with appropriate interface can be charged while driving. -Insert with different sized compartments for the storage compartment of the maxi scooter (below the left side of the handlebar). -Safe storage of cell phone and other small items such as sunglasses and wallet -charging of cell phone via 12 V socket (in conjunction with BMW USB charger, only cell phones with USB interface) -shape of the insert perfectly adapted to the inner contour of the storage compartment -Waterproof and lockable

Not available


BMW Motorrad

Installation Instructions,Mobile Teleph.

Item No.: 10408652

Manufacturer No.: 77018527168

Not available


These products are not intended for assembly by an end user. Installation is to be carried out exclusively by persons with appropriate specialist training or by a specialist automotive company.