Comfort dual seat

compatible to active vehicle
not compatible to active vehicle
Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) for active vehicle required
active vehicle required

BMW Motorrad

Bench Comfort High

Item No.: 10004251

Manufacturer No.: 77348544479

The comfort bench high offers numerous adjustment options for riders of different sizes in terms of comfort and safe standing. -Seat bench width like comfort seat bench -comfortable upholstery (more upholstery for the driver compared to the comfort seat) -significantly higher seating position compared to standard -more comfort due to more pleasant knee angle -improved touring comfort especially for tall riders



- 10%

1-3 Working Days


BMW Motorrad

Bench Comfort

Item No.: 10001277

Manufacturer No.: 52538528623

The comfort bench seat offers numerous adjustment options for riders of different sizes in terms of comfort and safe standing. The comfort bench is also available as a high version for taller riders. -comfortable upholstery and wider seat surface -Slightly higher seating position compared to standard -upgrading of touring suitability and perfection of touring comfort



- 10%

1-3 Working Days


BMW Motorrad

Holding Strap

Item No.: 10399644

Manufacturer No.: 71112316481

1-3 Working Days


These products are not intended for assembly by an end user. Installation is to be carried out exclusively by persons with appropriate specialist training or by a specialist automotive company.