Retrofit Kit LED Fog Lights Cornering Light
Item No.: 10009964
Manufacturer No.: 63132358310
Not available
The LED fog lights illuminate the road wider than usual and reduce self-glare. Thanks to the cornering light integrated in the fog lamp, the driver always has the entire course of the road in view in the dark and in poor weather conditions, such as fog, rain and snow. The cornering light shows its advantages above all in the following maneuvers: when turning, maneuvering, parking, and negotiating switchbacks. The cornering light is activated automatically when the turn signal is set or when the steering wheel is turned. It is activated on the right or left, depending on the direction of travel, and thus illuminates the area to the side of the vehicle. This significantly increases safety in the dark or when driving in difficult lighting conditions. It is possible to convert to LED fog lights as well as to use the already existing halogen fog lights. See more in poor visibility: the LED fog light reduces self-glare in fog or poor weather conditions and has better side illumination than a halogen headlight. -Clear advantages of the LED fog light with cornering light are more safety and comfort due to more light when turning, maneuvering, parking and when driving on serpentines. -Special dimming technology fades the cornering light in/out for a particularly elegant dynamic. -The light color is particularly modern and thus also shows other road users that the latest lighting technology is being used. Especially in the dark, this enhances the appearance of the vehicle. -More power with less energy consumption: LED technology means less energy is needed for more light. -Installation is uncomplicated, the LED fog lights fit exactly into the intended holders. -The cornering light works independently after installation. With the LED fog light, there is no need to change the bulb. -You have the option to also expand the existing fog lights with the function with the cornering light. If LED fog lights are already installed, the cornering light can still be retrofitted. Here please order in the store the following part number: 63132288285.
Product specifications
Shipping information
Compatibility & Installation
1' | F20, F20N, F21, F21N |
2' | F22, F23 |
3' | F30, F30N, F31, F31N, F34, F35, F35N |
4' | F32, F33, F36 |
Ich habe die Nebelscheinwerfer bei meinem F31, BJ 5/2013 verbaut. Die Lichtausbeute ist im vergleich zu den Halogen-NSW wesentlich höher und die Lichtfarbe weiß-blau passt super zu den Xenon-Scheinwerfern. Die Scheinwerfer arbeiten nach dem Einbau selbständig (Abbiegelicht, etc.), allerdings ist der Einbau nicht ganz leicht und ohne Einbauanleitung , welche NICHT mitgeliefert wurde (A4, 19 Seiten - habe diese im Internet gefunden), nicht möglich. Es müssen verschieden Bauteile verbaut werden, best. Kabel aus Steuergerät ausgepinnt und neue eingepinnt, andere verbunden werden, usw. Dennoch kann ich aufgrund der Optik sowie der höheren Lichtausbeute dieses Produkt nur empfehlen und würde es jederzeit wieder verbauen!
Review by BMW-F31
Published on 12/29/18